Lift and Accessibility Solutions

How Are Stair Lifts Attached?

Hello, my name is Paul Harlin with Lift and Accessibility Solutions. Today we’re at a client’s home here in Santa Rosa, California, to talk about, “How do I attach a stairlift?”

Most people that I talk to say, “I don’t have a wall. I’ve only got a nice banister at the bottom of my stairs. How am I going to put a stairlift in for my parents?” As you can see on this stairlift, I actually have banisters on both sides of the bottom of the stair, and yet, we were able to attach a stairlift, a nice curved stairlift right up the stairs. Any manufacturer actually attaches the stairs to the treads that you walk on. People ask, “Is my stair strong enough?” If your stairs are strong enough for you to walk on them and walk up the stairs, then they would be strong enough for us to attach a stairlift, which then would carry anybody in a seated position from one floor to the other.

I hope this is helpful information to you. If you do have any questions that you’d like to direct to me, please respond below and I’ll try to answer them for you.