Lift and Accessibility Solutions

Extraordinary Pets with Extraordinary Owners

In a children’s hospital in Greenville, South Carolina, there’s a therapy dog, named Harley, who visits sick children in the hospital. Although this is a common practice for therapy dogs, this particular puppy is quite extraordinary because Harley is blind. Going room to room, this sweet doggy brings smiles and hope to children. Her success story fuels their successes. “If Harley can do it, I can do it!,” they say.

Hearing about the great good that this animal is doing in the lives of children prompted this question.  “What if these extraordinary pets, like Harley, were matched with extraordinary owners; owners who had limitations themselves?” Would it make a difference for their pet? Would it affect the owner? Yes!

Here are 3 results that having a pet with disabilities can provide for both the pet and its owner!

Sense of Purpose

While most owners of blind dogs are googling “what to do with a blind dog”, Harley’s owner was looking into therapy training because she knew there was a greater purpose for her pup.  You can do the same for your pet. Whether it’s bringing joy to children in a hospital room or learning to walk with only three limbs, focusing on the challenges the pet faces can provide a greater sense of purpose and some pretty incredible stories for both you and your pet. 


According to an article by Huffington Post, helping others makes you thankful. Not all who face a disability can combat the emotional strain and setbacks that come with it. What if a woman who has been home-bound was paired with a cat who desperately needed sunshine and snuggles? Would this pairing change the outcome of this woman and her new pet? Yes.

This gratitude can extend beyond the pet and owner as well. This fish enamored the online community when his owner crafted him a wheelchair to help him float upright.

Longer Life

According to this article, helping others gives you longer life.  It makes sense. Caring for another is life-giving. Not to mention pets needs plenty of exercise and sunshine which means you’re getting a healthy dose of vitamin D as well.

If you’ve been thinking about getting a pet, consider looking for one with a disability. You’ve already tackled the extraordinary for yourself. Now it’s time to pair up with an animal doing the same!